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Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0
Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0 Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0
Scania R650 V8 - V8power Edition 3.0
Again a new Scania designed in cooperation with VAEX - The Truck Traders. The basis for this is a richly equipped Scania R650 6x2 V8. Robin Schuurman of RS Design translated our wishes into a...
€ 115,00
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Again a new Scania designed in cooperation with VAEX - The Truck Traders.

The basis for this is a richly equipped Scania R650 6x2 V8. Robin Schuurman of RS Design translated our wishes into a design, BUFFL took care of the interior, after which the exterior was taken care of. We are very proud of the result! That is why we also release this truck as a scale model.

The scale is 1:50, the WSI brand.

It is a limited edition, with certificate.

Over V8shop.nl

Vanuit onze passie voor Scania V8 hebben wij een uitgebreid assortiment samengesteld. Een groot gedeelte hiervan is in eigen huis ontworpen. Zo leveren wij de merchandise van V8power.nl, Boogie Buddies en de Midlift Matties.

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